Coaching and Workshops

LinkedIn’s 2018 Workforce Skills Gap Investigation showed Oral Communication Skills make up 71% of the overall Soft Skill shortage.

(More here)

Presentation & Communication Skills

Sarah managed to change my mindset on presentations and alleviated a lot of self doubt.

A strong communicator with a captivating presence will influence and leave a lasting impression with their audience. Communication is an intrinsic part of corporate culture - be it presenting to senior executives or stakeholders, pitching to clients, facilitating training or even virtual conferences.

Sarah offers workshops in:

  • Impactful Presentations

  • Pitching

  • Storytelling

  • Managing Audiences and Q&A

  • Virtual Communication and Facilitation

  • Coaching and Feedback

*All sessions can be delivered virtually and tailored to your requirements

Crafting and delivering an authentic and impactful message is key in any communication scenario. Sarah has worked internationally with individuals to develop more confident, credible and compelling presenting styles. From utilising narrative and storytelling to connect with audiences and illuminate complex detail, to managing challenging questions from important audience members, she works with individuals and groups to hone their skills.

Watch this wrap up video from the 2019 Swinburne Innovation Precinct Accelerator Program, featuring Sarah as resident Pitch Coach.

Voice Coaching

I can’t recommend this process highly enough. Sarah is wonderful to work with and has been instrumental in this empowering phase of my personal development.

Your voice is a powerful tool. The way you deliver verbal content provides meaning and emotional context to your message. It creates the necessary congruence to drive your message with impact.

As companies expand globally and interpersonal technology changes the way in which we interact; effective workplace communication is now more important than ever.

Many individuals find themselves speaking with international peers on a daily basis, dealing with language and cultural barriers. Sarah specialises in enhancing vocal clarity and tone for influential communication, as well as Accent Softening for ESL speakers.


As someone who was brought up to not take up space, working with Sarah has enabled me to own my desire and hone my skill in holding my own and being heard.

As a public figure, broadcaster or spokesperson, the way you present yourself reflects your personal brand as well as your cause or organisation.

Sarah works with individuals to find an authentically compelling and credible media facing presence, including on camera skills, improvisation and interview technique.

For audio presenters, she hones the necessary skills to gain vocal control and amplify variance, clarity and credibility.